The PROSPECT Methods Centre Team

Dr. Deborah Cook, MD
CCCTG Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Medicine McMaster University
50 Charlton Avenue East, Martha Building, Rm H327
Hamilton ON, L8N 4A6
Tel: (905) 522-1155 Ext. 35325 Cell: (905) 979-9805 Fax: (905) 308-7223

Dr. Jennie Johnstone, MD
Infection Prevention and Control Physician
Public Health Ontario
480 University Avenue, Suite 300
Toronto ON, M5G 1V2
Tel: (647) 260-7205  Fax: (647) 260-7600

Nicole Zytaruk, RN, PROSPECT Trial Clinical Research Coordinator
St.Joseph's Healthcare, McMaster University
50 Charlton Avenue East, Martha Building, Room H327
Hamilton ON, L8N 4A6
Tel: (905) 522-1155 Ext. 35325 Cell: (905) 512-5935 Fax: (905) 512-5935

Lois Saunders, PROSPECT Trial Data Manager
St. Joseph's Healthcare
50 Charlton Avenue East, Martha Building, Rm H327
Hamilton ON, L8N 4A6
Tel: (905) 522-1155 Ext. 35327 Cell: (905) 979-3610 Fax: (905) 308-7223

France Clarke, PROSPECT Research Coordinator
St.Joseph's Healthcare, McMaster University
50 Charlton Avenue East, Dowling Wing, Room D176
Hamilton ON, L8N 4A6
Tel: (905) 522-1155 Ext. 33633 Cell: (905) 818-8236 Fax: (905) 521-6022